This grape is VERY winter hardy. It has large clusters and is an excellent table grape or can be for commercial uses. It is good all over the Midwest. Hardy to -34. Medium size fruit.
Grapes Plant Spacing—8’-10’ apart Prune off any broken and damaged roots and shorten excessively long roots for convenience when planting. Excessive pruning of the root system is not advised however it is better to prune a few roots than stuff the roots into a small planting hole. We recommend soaking the plants in water for several hours prior to planting, but no longer than 24 hours. The planting hole should be large enough to accommodate the root system with ease. Spread the roots, cover with soil and tamp well. If soil moisture is low, water the plants in after planting and as needed until the plants have developed a root system large enough to support themselves during dry periods. Ownrooted plants should be set to a depth where the lowest shoot of the dormant plant is just above the soil level. For grafted vines, the graft union should be at least 2 to 3 inches above the soil level to prevent scion rooting. It is not unusual for buds to break dormancy during storage in the cooler or during transit. When exposed to sunlight this growth will turn brown and fall off. This is not cause for alarm as more buds will develop and grow. Grapes need approximately 2 weeks of 70 degree air temperature in order to break dormancy and grow. Please be patient. Blue-X Vine Shelters can help protect young plants. It is important to properly train vines during the first few years of growth to establish a vine form that will be easy to manage. After planting, but before growth begins, the top of the dormant plant should be pruned back to a single cane with two to five buds. After growth starts all but the best two to four shoots should be removed. One or more of these shoots will become the trunks. Support should be provided for new shoots to keep them off the ground. This will greatly reduce disease problems and provide full sun exposure for maximum growth. The trellis should be established soon after planting to provide this support. String can be tied from a side shoot of the vine to the wires and the new shoots wrapped around the string. Never tie around the main trunk of the plant because the trunk will expand during the first growing season and can be girdled by the string. We do not recommend fertilizer the first year of planting.